ISO security stations, for armies, NGOs and specialized industries. Mobile and easily transportable by flatbed truck, plane and boat with operational commissioning in a few minutes, the mobile stations have standard ISO 1C dimensions (6058 x 12438 x 2438 mm), ISO 1CC or ISO 1DD expandable (watchtower).

Designed and manufactured according to customer requests (weapons & ammunition depot, survival module, accommodation, medical units & operating room, CBRN decontamination unit or retractable watch tower), the stations meet the requirements for protection against a level low to medium threat, according to the NATO level M1 of Annex A of AEP-55 (C) VOL 2 & threats linked to mines (STANAG 4569, Ed. 3) & IEDs defined by the explosion of a spherical load of 15 kg of TNT at a distance of 15 m from the side wall of the container at a height of 1 m above ground level.

In order to ensure the proper functioning of the safety elements of the module (whatever the type of module) a connection to the electrical network or to a mobile power station will be necessary.

During an attack, the modules in the “accommodation” version – usually intended to be used as a decision center or as accommodation for 4 people – can be used as a survival module for 30 people, until the end of the attack or the arrival of reinforcement units.

  • Emergency Survival Containers
  • Weapons and ammunition depots
  • ISO 1 DD expandable – watchtower
  • ISO 1C refrigerated containers
  • ISO containers for military use
  • Field kitchen in ISO 1C containers
  • ISO 1c accommodation containers with ballistic protection
  • ISO 1C container – drinking water tank
  • ISO 1CC – sandwich containers
  • ISO 1C sanitary containers & operating room
  • ZIL military vehicle container superstructures
  • Multipurpose containers for firefighters

Level 1 of Annex A of AEP-55(C) VOL 2 / STANAG 4569

  • 7,62 × 51 mm NATO
  • 5,56 × 45 mm NATO
  • 5,56 mm x 45 M193
  • 20-mm Fragment Simulating Projectile (FSP) – 520m/s
  • 12.7 mm Fragment Simulating Projectile (FSP) – 310m/s