Each shelter is equipped with an autonomous electrical system independent of the traditional electricity network. In the event of an interruption of supply from the external network, the internal network is automatically activated – all elements of the bunker will continue to function optimally. The power supply to each shelter is connected to the external power grid to which your own home is connected – alternative electrical systems are only activated when needed. In addition to a generator, a solar & wind system (coupled with storage batteries) and a heat pump will complete the autonomous power system.
There are different types of generators and a calculation note will be necessary in order to select the right one for your own shelter. Integrated in a soundproof and waterproof enclosure, all generators are equipped with three-phase and single-phase outputs, a control panel for automatic start which guarantees switching on and off of the external network without human intervention & a control panel for manual management (with indication of fuel level, engine pressure, etc.).
The fuel reserves are directly coupled to the generator – with a system autonomy calculated in advance. The fuels will be supplemented with stabilizing additives to guarantee immediate use even after a long period of storage.
Photovoltaic panels & wind turbines are a good alternative to provide an additional source of energy to your shelter. They have rechargeable batteries that store electricity during the day and can be used when needed. The control panel ensures automatic management without human intervention – manual management remains perfectly possible.
A heat pump will be installed to heat and cool the bunker, as well as to generate electricity autonomously. By using the thermal energy accumulated in the ground, your heat pump allows you to comfortably manage the temperature inside the shelter, the hot water supply and – using a turbine – an electrical supply. stored in your batteries or immediately usable. Autonomous, efficient and durable system – it will be imperative to understand how your heat pump works and to be able to replace a faulty part if necessary.
The autonomous network of your shelter is connected to a central panel which ensures the general distribution, then to several sub-panels in charge of each electrified point of the bunker (water treatment, air treatment, security systems, lighting and general use). You can manually cut off certain electrified elements – power outlets, lighting in certain areas – for optimal use of your network.
In the event of a general outage – no electricity available, neither via the standard network nor via the autonomous subsystems – several dynamos (mounted on bicycles fixed to the ground) will power the survival elements of the bunker – mainly the treatment of the air and the security systems, with minimal lighting. Two to three people will be needed to provide this energy – more if you are in a shelter that accommodates more than one family.
Dealing with a breakdown when the situation requires immediate use – and over a more or less long time – of your bunker, will add stress to an unusual situation.
We invite all bunker owners to learn how the installed systems work, to simulate breakdowns and to stock up on standard spare parts.
This learning and your spare parts could save your life – and in any case will help maintain the comfort level of your shelter.